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Miss. and Mr.

Miss. and Mr. Pageant


  1. Contestants must be citizens of the United States of America, be residents of the state of Missouri for no fewer than six months immediately preceding July 1, 2024, and must be residents of Johnson County, Missouri.

  2. All contestants should be within the age range of their category by July 1, 2024.

  3. Entry fees are non-refundable. Entry fees may be sponsored.

  4. Decisions of the judges will be final. If, for any reason, the winner shall be disqualified (as voted by the Johnson County Fair Association Board of Directors) the first runner-up will be declared the winner.

  5. All contestants must be in attendance at the Opening Ceremonies in order to qualify for a title.

  6. Contestants must not be married, never have been married, and never have had a marriage annulled.

  7. All winners are expected to attend a variety of 2024 Johnson County Fair events in sash and/ or crown as representatives. Duties may include assisting fair officials, handing out ribbons, and greeting/socializing with attendees.

Specific to Miss/Mr Johnson County

(All above rules plus below.)

  • Contestants must never have given birth to a child, cannot be pregnant or be a parent.

  • Miss Johnson County shall attend the Missouri State Fair pageant, sponsored by the Johnson County Fair Association.

  • Miss Johnson County is expected to preside over the 2024 Johnson County Fair Opening Ceremonies and will crown the next Miss Johnson County.

Johnson County Fair Association
386 NW 145th Road
Warrensburg, MO 64093

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